Monday, July 29, 2013

21st Letter 7-29-13

Dear Family,

This week went great! Elder Krogh and I get along well and work very hard! Elder Krogh is very shy though, so sometimes I feel like I talk too much-haha. It's kinda funny 'cause I feel like I used to be shy. Anyway, Monday night was a good night, we had dinner with the Condie's. The world wide broadcast on Missionary Work and just the overall importance missionary work is now has really gotten this ward moving! He gave us a referral and he even took us over after we had dinner to meet the family! Showed a lot of the trust from Brother and Sister Condie. This great work is blowing up and isn't gonna stop! Cool to know that the only thing left to come to pass before the Second Coming is the gathering of Israel! We all get to be a part of it too!! It is AMAZING!

Tuesday we had an awesome experience as well! We were walking towards these apartments where a potential investigator lives and on the way we walked through a park. I saw a lady with two kids walking and the son was smiling at me. I said "Hi" to the son and the Mom turned around and just by the look on her face and the prompting I received I knew she wanted to talk to us. I walked up to her and started talking to her. She has never heard of our church and knew nothing about us. We taught her about how God is our Loving Heavenly Father and that our gospel can bless her family! She loved our lesson and even told us a very personal story about God in her life! She asked us to come back and teach her more and even gave us her number! So cool!!

Wednesday and Thursday were pretty slow, but Friday I met my first Jehovah Witness... So I rolled up on my bike and right when I took my helmet off she said, "Don't waste your time. I'm a JW and have been one for 40 years." I said, "That's awesome! How do you like it?" She said she loves it. I then offered for us to help her with any service around the house and she said, "I should give you my number. You are the one that needs help!" (in a slightly evil and mean tone)- haha. I just said "Alrighty... Never mind," as she walked away... So that was a pretty funny experience!

Saturday we helped Dilma, our upcoming baptism, with her yard! I used the skills Dad taught me with weed barrier (black tarp?) on the ground and put the metal curbing in to separate the grass and rock. I would have to say it looks amazing! So thanks Dad! haha

Church was good! I met a family from Brazil and they came and talked to me in Portuguese! Brazilians are always so fun and happy! : ) Later that night we met with James (investigator) He is so ready to be baptized, but feels like he isn't worthy yet... We talked to him about the Pre-earth life and After life. When we talked about after life and the 3 degrees of glory we could feel the Spirit so strong. He always felt like there was only heaven and hell and that he was going to hell. We told him how much Heavenly Father loves him and that he wants you to be in heaven. He told us how much peace that brought him. We told him that this peaceful feeling is the Holy Ghost!

Mom thank you so much for the care package! The treats are great and the D&C video and Mormon messages are perfect! I'm sorry to say that the guy at Deseret Book kinda scammed you- haha. You didn't need to buy all those other church DVD's we get them for free out here... what a punk! I will send them back along with some other stuff I don't need anymore.

I'm glad to hear the Monster Burgers are still in business! Tell Grandpa and Grandma Porritt "Hi" for me, and that I love them!:)

I'm glad to hear you got to have a BBQ with the Haucks! We have some amazing Family! I miss all of them! Great to hear Steph is planning on going to UVU. I hear it is a blast there! Tell her I'm proud of her and that she will grow a ton being away from home. Going to the U for a semester was the best decision I could have made. I grew up so much during that time and if I wouldn't of made that growth I couldn't of done the things I'm doing now. Proud of you Steph! : )

Dad, I can't believe all of those boys are home from their missions already! Time really does fly! Can you believe I have been out almost 6 months?? Also, I think you are right. I see people out here that don't want to change in anyway. For me, I'm scared to come home! I do have forever, but I sure hope I will be prepared for the real life again after this great mission!

Amy, how was EFY? I bet it was fun! I wish I would have gone to EFY...

Again thank you for all the support you all give me! I love you all so much and miss you! This great work is hastening like crazy! Do all that you can to add to this great wave of missionary work! It's the time of a lifetime! Love you all!!

Elder Hauck

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